and Activities
2024 - How Highdown Garden Centre Grow and Care
for Poinsettias.
the last meeting of the year, George Lisher
of Highdown Garden Centre came along to talk
to us about poinsettias. He began by telling
us that he was the fourth generation of his
family of growers and his grandfather grew tomatoes.
Now, Highdown supply plants to garden centres
all around the country and are probably the
largest growers of poinsettias in the UK. Their
plants are grown under glass in a controlled
environment in a peat free compost. The poinsettias
are grown from plugs or cuttings from breeders
in Costa Rica, Ethiopia and Kenya (all countries
close to the Equator) and flown to Europe. The
cuttings are put on a potting machine which
can produce 3,000 pots per hour. After two or
three weeks the plants are pinched out, aiming
for 5 heads for smaller plants, 11 for larger
poinsettias. This procedure cannot be automated
and has to be done by hand.
informed us that poinsettias are ‘short day
plants’ requiring 12 hours 15 minutes of darkness
per day in order for the bracts to go red, which
takes about eight to nine weeks. It has been
discovered that blue or red lighting can affect
the size of the plants. The plants are ‘toughened
up’ by reducing the temperature to about 13
ecological deterrents are used to keep pests
such as whitefly under control and inspectors
make regular visits to the nursery.
explained how best to care for bought plants;
they do not need much water and there is no
need to use fertiliser.
was a timely talk for our December meeting and
refreshments were enjoyed afterwards with attendees
able to take home a lovely poinsettia for Christmas.
note: please remember that poinsettias can be
to household pets and should be kept out
of their reach).
2024 - Super Seasonal Garden Displays.
Saunders, once
again, came to talk to us, this time
on the theme of “Super Seasonal Garden Displays.
He brought along a selection of evergreen plants
which could be used in any display, creating
pockets of interest at different times of the
gardens at Fittleworth House which is known
for its long borders and in his presentation
he showed stunning photographs of his Summer
border displays which were full of colour.
he said, was a good time to plan for the following
year. Obtaining gardening catalogues and ordering
seeds was a good way to start and he recommended
some catalogues that members might like to send
for. Mark makes a lot of wreaths for Winter
displays and he showed that including skimmia,
pittosporum and other evergreen plants to the
more traditional holly and ivy added interest
and colour to them.
talked on the subject of growing tulips for
a Spring display but warned that damp soil could
rot the bulbs. He suggested members visit the
Tulip Festival at Arundel Castle in the Spring
to see the magnificent display of over 100,000
tulips planted there by the gardeners.
has a lot of dahlias in his borders and he explained
how he grows them and stores them over the winter
named Forde Abbey, West Dean, Wisley, Great
Dixter and Parham as gardens which had good
seasonal displays and were therefore well worth
always, Mark’s talk was informative and interesting
and he was happy to answer all the questions
from the attendees.
2024 - Annual General Meeting and Wildlife film.
the 7th October the Club held its Annual General
Meeting. Reports from the Chair, the Treasurer
and the Secretary were heard. Changes to the
constitution were agreed in order for it to
be brought up-to date. The committee were voted
in again ‘en bloc’.
the meeting a short documentary wildlife film
was shown by its creator and producer, Craig
Baker, a local young man. The film was entitled
“Breathing Grounds” and was shot in the UK,
mainly in the Forest of Dean, but also in Bristol,
North London and West Sussex.
was a wonderful and very professional documentary
highlighting animals such as wild boar, European
badgers and beavers and explaining their role
in the countryside. After the film Craig answered
questions from the attendees.
film is available to watch, along with others,
on Youtube: WildCamCraig.
2024 - Elizabeth Sawday, Apuldram Roses.
Roses is a family run business which has been
growing roses since 1979. The Nursery is in
Chichester and Elizabeth Sawday, who currently
runs the business with other family members,
came along to speak to us. Her talk was entitled
“Roses Grow on You”. Apuldram Roses are the
largest rose growers in West Sussex, growing
approximately 25,000 roses. They used to grow
about 60,000 but have ‘slowed down a bit’. As
Elizabeth informed us, rose growing is not mechanised
in any way.
brought along a lovely selection of blooms and
plants from the nursery, Elizabeth explained
the differences between the various types of
roses ie hybrid tea and floribunda, climbers
and ramblers. However, nowadays there are many
bushes being grown crossing floribundas with
hybrid teas. She also explained how climbers
and ramblers should be pruned.
then went on to tell us of the importance of
watering and feeding roses with proper rose
food and said that keeping roses healthy will
help keep rose diseases such as black spot at
bay. She also recommended using ‘Rootgrow’ when
planting roses and ‘Sulphur Rose’ as a winter
Roses have entered displays at some well known
Flower Shows and been the recipient of a gold
medal. Elizabeth recounted some of her experiences
at these shows much to the amusement of the
audience. She also informed us of the process
that is undertaken to select the “Rose of the
Year” and that a fee from every rose sold goes
to the rose breeder.
was a fascinating and lively talk by an enthusiastic
rose grower which informed and entertained all
the club members who also had the opportunity
to take home a beautiful bloom from the nursery.
2024 - Sweetpeas.
20 people attended to listen to Richard Barron
tell us his secrets to growing successful sweet
peas. His father first showed him how to grow
them aged 10 and he continued, not least, because
his wife loves sweet peas. Sweet peas remain
a favourite annual for many people.
2 principles of growing successful sweet peas
are food and water - and plenty of both. There
are 3 types of sweet pea: Spencer (which originate
from the Spencer estate of Althorp), Grandiflora
(a smaller, highly scented variety) and Old
Fashioned (from the original 18th century varieties)..
sweet peas are not scented. There are also miniatures,
not so common but can be grown in a pot, and
dwarf varieties which are easy to grow but not
scented. Seeds are often sown in October and
overwintered prior to planting out a good strong
seedling in spring. However, the effects of
climate change means much warmer winters and
Richard now has more success sowing seeds in
January as they produce a much stronger seedling.
Sowing into poly pots individually produces
the best results and means less disturbance
of roots when planting out. Plants are best
grown in a circle of canes, along a wall or
on a framework of canes in rows. The traditional
method was to dig a trench to plant seedlings
into but Richard now uses the 'no dig' method
and lays thick compost onto the bed, covers
this with cardboard and then seaweed. Over winter
this breaks down and is ideal for growing strong
healthy plants, retaining moisture and feeding
the plants.
are, of course, various pests and diseases to
contend with, not least slugs, snails, mice,
birds, all of which will nibble at young plants.
Mildew, leaf miner and yellowing leaves are
all hard to avoid - as with all gardening, it
is a constant battle. However, all agreed that
the resulting, sweet scented flowers are well
worth the effort.
had a few beautiful bunches to sell in aid of
our funds and was happy to distribute copies
of the growing guides that he uses.
2024 - Keeping chickens.
the speaker booked for our June meeting had
to cancel, Lou a local lady who keeps chickens
kindly came along to speak to us. Lou has kept
chickens for 40 years and is a judge at shows.
She is a member of the Poultry
Club of Great Britain so she has her own
unique poultry holding number which is displayed
on the rings she uses for her birds. Although
born in Sussex she had a small holding on Exmoor
for some years before returning to Sussex.
are over 1600 breeds of chicken and Lou brought
three of her bantams along to the meeting. Poppy
sat happily on the table eating her feed while
Lou explained what was involved in rearing and
keeping chickens in her garden. She also informed
us of the duties required of a judge at shows.
surprisingly, there was much interest from the
attendees and there was a lively question and
answer session at the end of Lou’s talk.
2024 - A visit to Ramster Gardens.
the 20th May members enjoyed a group visit to
Ramster Gardens, near Chiddingfold, Surrey.
It was a glorious day and the visitors were
free to wander along the paths and admire the
beautiful trees and shrubs.
gardens, which are approximately 25 acres in
size, were first laid out in 1890 by Gauntletts
of Chiddingfold who were interested in Japanese
plants and ornaments. In 1922 Sir Henry and
Lady Norman, great grandparents of the current
owners, bought Ramster and added greatly to
the gardens. They are renowned for their spring
display of rhododendrons and azaleas (of which
there are over 300 varieties) and for the foliage
from ancient acers, liquidambar and cornus in
the autumn. There are also ponds, a stream and
wild flower areas as well as many sculptures
to view.
of the visit included seeing a magnificent handkerchief
tree and a buttercup meadow.
explored the wonderful gardens, members sampled
the delights of the food that was on offer in
the tea room which included smoked salmon sandwiches
and bacon sandwiches. A good time was had by
2024 - Dahlias.
our April meeting Richard Ramsey and his wife,
Hazel, came along to tell us about growing dahlias.
They run Withypitts Nursery at Turners Hill,
Crawley and Richard has been involved with dahlias
for over 70 years and began by telling us how
he started off with a 3/4 acre plot. They became
a limited company in 2012.
in Mexico and South America as single type dahlias
Richard informed us that plants were originally
sent to Spain and hybridised. Today there are
several types of dahlias including ‘pompoms'
(first developed in Germany) and ‘anemones’.
There is also a size classification from ‘giant’
to ‘pompom’.
went on to show the difference between growing
the plants from tubers and growing from cuttings.
Having brought along some tubers and cuttings
he showed us how to propagate these plants and
then how and when to plant out. He then explained
how to successfully grow and maintain the plants
during the season and also how to care for the
cut flowers in vases.
he demonstrating how the tubers should be lifted
and stored over the winter period. Following
a question and answer session members were able
to purchase some plants that Richard and Hazel
had brought along to the meeting. Hopefully
members who did not grow dahlias were inspired
to do so.
2024 - The Role of the Plant Quarantine Service.
Gaunt is a Plant Health Inspector who works
in Sussex for DEFRA. He came along to our March
meeting to talk to us about the role of the
Plant Quarantine Service. Armed
with fascinating and eye-opening facts and figures
he described his day-to-day job of fighting
plant and tree pests and diseases.
has six main areas of work: inspections at airports,
inspections at docks, plant certification for
export, growing season inspections, the plant
passport scheme (relating to retail and mail
order plants) and visits to nurseries, farms
and waste disposal sites. Should a disease get
a hold, Andrew works to eradicate the problem
by treating, spraying or burning. The methods
of testing, Andrew informed us, were advancing
quickly ie. bio-sensors, genome testing, lateral
flow testing etc.
of Andrew’s slides listed the major pests and
diseases, including xylella fastidiosa and tobacco
white fly, some of which have been found in
Sussex and explained how devastating they can
be. He explained how some of these pests and
diseases had arrived in the UK and named some
of the plants and trees ie. viburnum, camellia,
rhododendron and heather which have been attacked
by disease locally.
had bought along some specimens of pests for
everyone to look at. These included the Colorado
encouraged everyone to get involved with ‘Observatree’
to monitor tree health, via the UK
Plant Health Portal.
2024 - The Workings of the NGS.
Duly was the speaker for our first meeting of
2024 and he gave us a talk on the Workings of
the NGS (National Garden Scheme).
divided his talk into five key sections: A potted
history of the NGS, the NGS in West Sussex,
the NGS nationally, West Sussex gardens and
NGS gardens in general.
scheme was originally set up in 1927 when Elsie
Wagg came up with the idea for raising money
to support district nurses. There are now approximately
3,500 gardens nationwide included in the scheme,
raising millions of pounds every year for a
variety of charities which include McMillan
Nurses, Marie Curie and the Queens Nursing Institute.
In 2023 a record 3.4 million pounds was donated
by the NGS. A full list of the donations made
to charities can be found on the NGS
head office of the NGS is at Hatchlands Park
near Guildford where a staff of 12 provide support
for the volunteers (approximately 550), produce
the ‘yellow book’, manage the website, support
and train gardeners, seek sponsorship and deal
with accounting and auditing as well as liaising
with volunteers and charities. Philip joined
the NGS in 2017 and explained his role as West
Sussex Treasurer. His biggest challenge, he
said, is the need to find new gardens to replace
those that close for one reason or another and
encouraged our members to open their gardens
or seek out those worthy of being included in
the scheme, at the same time insisting that
these do not have to be ‘perfect’.
early in the year, Philip suggested a few gardens,
nationally and locally, where a good display
of snowdrops could be seen and suggested we
might like to visit some of them.
was an excellent speaker and his talk was interesting
and illuminating and hopefully he will return
to the Club in the not too distant future to
give us a talk and a slide show on some of the
actual NGS gardens.
2023 - Christmas Themed Arrangements.
our last meeting of the year Dee Watkins of
Seed2Design was our guest speaker.
producing three beautiful arrangements using
natural materials such as red dogwood, beech
leaves, blue spruce, hips, pinus, roses and
tulips, in a style known as Vegetative, Dee
talked enthusiastically about the changes she
has made to become environmentally friendly.
She no longer uses oasis, which is harmful to
the environment, instead opting for Agra wool
which is bio-degradable. The frames she uses
are also either bio-degradable or recyclable
admitted she was on a mission to reduce the
impact that sympathy tributes have on the environment.
She regularly visits local crematoriums to salvage
materials that can be recycled. The amount of
material that is put into landfill skips was
Dee had completed her lovely arrangements they
were raffled, so three lucky members were able
to take them home.
evening ended with some Christmas fare and hopefully
everyone was inspired by Dee’s imaginative and
very enjoyable demonstration..
2023 - Mark Dobell of Mynthurst Farm.
Dobell was Head Gardener at Mynthurst Farm,
Surrey for over twenty years and came along
to tell us about his time there and the various
projects that he undertook.
500 year old house had a nine acre garden set
within its estate and included a 48 metre long
rose bed, a walled garden, a spring garden,
a kitchen garden and a swimming pool area. When
Mark took over as Head Gardener, having originally
been employed as an under gardener, he faced
many challenges to get the garden back ‘on track’.
October 1993 the estate was sold to Mr and Mrs
Chilton and several projects were proposed including
the redefining of the lake, the dismantling
of a 117ft greenhouse and replacing it with
a new one which had separate temperature controlled
sections for peaches, nectarines, tomatoes,
orchids etc. and a new parterre. Mark’s slide
show produced images of how all these projects
were managed and completed. Mark also explained
how he made the switch to gardening organically,
without the use of chemicals.
the estate has since been sold again and Mark
now runs his own business.
- Annual General Meeting.
Club’s AGM was held on the 2nd October in the
Angmering Baptist Church Hall. Lesley (our Chairlady)
welcomed everyone to the meeting and distributed
what she thought was a good programme for the
year to come. She apologised for the fact that
the membership fees had to be increased due
to rises in the cost of hiring the hall and
was given a copy of the audited Accounts by
the Treasurer who explained the Income and Expenditure
figures. There were no queries.
committee members were prepared to stand again
and as there were no other nominations, the
committee was re-elected ‘en bloc’.
the AGM there was a Plant Identification Quiz.
A box of chocolates was awarded to the winners.
There followed a raffle and a buffet..
- Gardening for Drought.
our September meeting Amanda Colberg, a local
garden designer, gave us a talk entitled Gardening
with Drought. She started her talk with a brief
history of garden design and how it was influenced.
However the weather of our youth was more predictable
than now and we need to be prepared for gardening
in drought. Moisture retention can be improved
either organically or non-organically and Amanda
explained the various options which included
the use of well rotted animal manure, soil conditioner
compost, leaf mould, bark chippings, porous
membrane, slate, glass nuggets, cobbles etc.
advised watering plants in the early morning
or evening and suggested the use of water butts
(which could be linked if there were insufficient
downpipes), recycling domestic water, placing
plant containers together to create a microclimate
and reducing the size of a lawn.
Amanda also suggested some plants that would
be suitable to grow in drought conditions and
these included cistus, rosemary, thyme, lavender,
red hot pokers and salvias.
talk was very timely due to hot and dry weather
currently being experienced.
2023 - Crosslands Nursery.
Monday 7th August a group of members went to
Warburton to visit Crosslands Flower Nursery.
The trip was arranged following a talk
that Ben Cross gave to the Horticultural Club
last November.
nursery grows alstroemerias commercially for
the cut flower market. On arrival, Ben refreshed
our memories on the origins of his business
which was started after the Land Settlement
Association (LSA), a government scheme, was
introduced in 1934. Ben’s great grandfather
set up a nursery in Sidlesham which moved to
Warburton in 1957.
took us into one of the greenhouses where rows
of alstroemerias were growing in beds one metre
wide by 30 metres long and explained the day-to-day
work of growing the flowers sustainably.
showed us the low-level and economically run
heating and watering systems and informed us
that no pesticides and chemical sprays were
used. We were then taken to see the boiler which
is fuelled by wood pellets before heading to
the shed where the picked flowers are sorted
and packaged and then placed in cool storage.
The nursery prides itself in getting the flowers
from soil to storage in under five minutes
After the very interesting tour, members had
the opportunity to purchase bunches of alstroemerias
to take home with them.
2023 - Sussex Gardens Trust.
speaker for our July meeting was Sally Ingram,
a volunteer with the Sussex Gardens Trust, which
is affiliated to the National Gardens Trust.
Formed in 1995 the Trust was set up to Promote,
Research and Protect the wide variety of historic
gardens in Sussex, for future generations. Gardens
of national significance are recorded by Historic
England but the SGT is more interested in local
parks and gardens, and works to ensure that
their significance is recognised. Their involvement
in the planning process means that many parks
and gardens can be saved when new developments
are proposed.
Trust also runs an extensive series of lectures,
plans visits to gardens (often at times when
gardens are not open to the public) and has
a Small Grants Scheme which assists owners and
community groups to enable them to carry out
projects for which no other funds are available.
Most lectures now take place on Zoom which enables
many more people to take part. Garden visits
are renowned for the quality of the tea and
cakes on offer!
major part of the Trust’s work is research and
they have published several books including
works on Capability Brown, Humphrey Repton and
most recently, Gertrude Jekyll. Sally was justifiably
proud of this recent publication which includes
new research about Gertrude’s numerous commissions
in Sussex, amongst which was the King Edward
V11 Sanatorium in Midhurst. Previous biographies
have been somewhat dismissive of Gertrude’s
work, concentrating more on her looks and personality
– not always favourably. But this new work celebrates
a strong, independent woman, ahead of her time
in many ways.
was an excellent speaker and spoke passionately
about a very interesting subject.
2023 - Parham House.
the proposed speaker, Lyndy, who works at Parham
House was indisposed, Lesley Chamberlain kindly
stepped in to talk to us about the house and
gardens. Lesley is a guide for the house tours
and gave us a potted history of the house and
original owners were the monks of Westminster
but during Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries
the land was granted to Robert Palmer of Henfield.
His grandson, Thomas, eventually sold Parham,
which was by then in a very poor state, to Thomas
Bishopp whose descendants lived there until
1922 when it was sold to Clive and Alicia Pearson.
Renovation work then commenced with great care
and attention. During the Second World War,
evacuee children and Canadian soldiers lived
in part of the house and in 1948 it was opened
to the public.
slides showed pictures of some of the rooms
in the house, which display important artwork
and embroidery from the Stuart period.
full time gardeners are employed, with one whose
sole job is to supply flowers to the house.
Four ladies change the flowers twice a week
and the arrangements are done the ‘Parham’ way
to harmonise with the colours in the rooms.
love of Parham House and Gardens was obvious
to all and no doubt many members were encouraged
to consider a visit to Parham House if they
had not already been.
2023 - Dale Park.
a lovely warm, sunny day a group of members
and friends made their way to Madehurst for
an afternoon visit to Dale Park.
lady of the house, Mrs Green, welcomed everyone
and explained a little of the history of the
house and grounds. Due to its elevated position,
the view from the house was quite spectacular.
group were left to wander freely around the
delightful gardens with its long borders. A
particular feature was a mature and beautiful
wisteria planted against an old red brick wall.
the gardener was on hand to answer any questions.
Tea and cake was served afterwards, on the terrace,
where the group could sit and, once again, take
in the spectacular views and reflect on a very
enjoyable afternoon.
2023 - Dangers in the Garden.
our April meeting Dr Steve Millam gave us a
timely talk entitled ‘Dangers in the Garden’
as this is the time of year when most injuries
occur. It is estimated that 300,000 people injure
themselves in the garden each year and Steve
highlighted the most common risks. Accidents
with lawn mowers, flower pots, hedge trimmers
and secateurs topped the list and although gardening
is good exercise, muscle strain is the most
common injury. He particularly encouraged us
to use appropriate ladders for reaching up into
trees and hedges!
went on to explain the reasons why accidents
happen and these are usually due to people taking
shortcuts, a lack of skill or training and being
ignorant of the risks. He advised that everyone
wear gloves whilst working in the garden and
make sure their tetanus jabs are up to date.
With an informative slide show Steve showed
us some of the dangers and hazards that can
be avoided with some thought and care. These
included locking chemicals away, emptying paddling
pools, avoiding trip hazards and not gardening
in icy or slippery conditions. The RHS
website has some very useful information
and Steve encouraged us all to ENJOY OUR GARDENING..
2023 - Photographing Your Garden.
was a good turnout to hear Mark Saunders of
Fittleworth House talk about taking photographs
in the garden.
informed us that he was not a professional photographer
but had taken thousands of garden photographs
which, with modern technology, could easily
be shared with people all around the world.
He advocated carrying a camera or smart phone
at all times to catch the moment when inspiration
strikes. It was not necessary, he said, to have
an expensive camera to take good photos. It's
not what you have but what you do with it!
a wonderful slide show of some of his beautiful
and unusual pictures and using a 10 point strategy
he explained how we could all take better photos.
gave us lots of ideas and encouraged us all
to get inspired when photographing the garden.
2023 - The Woodland Trust.
our first meeting of 2023 Dr Susan Davies, a
volunteer for The Woodland Trust, gave us a
very interesting and informative talk entitled
'Standing Up for Trees'. The Woodland Trust
was founded in 1972 in Devon by Kenneth Watkins,
who had become concerned at the loss of the
country's natural habitat.
some wonderful slides, Susan explained why we
all need trees and that the UK is now one of
the least wooded countries in Europe, with only
13% of tree cover. Thousands of miles of hedgerows
have been removed and we are not planting enough
trees to replace those lost. Ancient woodlands
are irreplaceable.
mission of the Woodland Trust is to make the
UK rich in native woods and trees. She explained
that they work with local authorities and schools
and have planted 50 million trees in the past
50 years.
of the Woodland Trust's successful projects
have been the saving of Fairy Glen and the creating
and planting of the new Northern Forest.
Woodland Trust has 3,000 volunteers who are
people from all walks of life. They have various
jobs including looking out for signs of tree
disease. A tree charter was established in 2017
to raise awareness of the plight of trees.
informed us that there was lots of information
on The
Woodland Trust's website we could all access.
2022 - Julie from ‘Buds and Blooms’
the club’s last meeting of the year, Julie from
‘Buds and Blooms’ East Preston came along and
gave a demonstration on how to make Christmas
decorations using foliage from garden plants.
first made a wreath using a wire frame onto
which she tied moss. She then made little bunches
of foliage from plants which included blue spruce
and ivy. These were then tied onto the frame
to complete the wreath which was finished off
with baubles and bows fixed into place.
then showed the audience how to make a table
candle decoration using an oasis container.
She attached cocktail sticks to the bottom of
the candle with sellotape so it could be pushed
into the oasis. Assorted foliage was then secured
into the oasis around the candle. Pine cones,
ribbon and flowers were added to complete the
table decoration.
hand-tied bouquet was Julie’s next demonstration.
For this she used a white rose as a centrepiece
and added various flowers and foliage including
gerberas (wired), alstroemerias, carnations
and pittosporum. Having wrapped the bouquet,
she then created a water bubble using cellophone
and placed the display in a gift bag.
final demonstration was to show the audience
how to make a bow, which everyone was encouraged
to copy. This turned out to be not as easy as
Julie made it look!
Lucky raffle prize winners were able to take
Julie’s creations home with them.
evening was finished off with some festive fare
and a final raffle.
2022 - Ben Cross of Crosslands Flower Nursery
was a change to the programme at November’s
meeting. The speaker booked for the evening
was unable to attend and Ben Cross of Crosslands
Flower Nursery, Warburton agreed to come and
speak to us. The title of his talk was “Alstroemerias
and the Cut Flower Industry”.
started by telling the members the history of
the nursery. In 1934 the Land Settlement Association
(LSA), a UK government scheme, was set up to
resettle workers from depressed industrial areas.
The settlements were set up in rural areas,
grouped in communities with the purpose of running
market gardens. Ben’s great grandfather came
south to the community set up at Sidlesham to
run a nursery. In 1957 they moved to Warburton.
Crosslands Flower Nursery grows alstroemerias
for the cut flower market.
was obvious from the start that Ben is committed
to sustainability and explained how the nursery
runs without the use of chemicals and pesticides.
Water and heating are used economically. Alstroemerias
are a ‘cool crop’, the optimum temperature being
13 degrees. They pride themselves of getting
their flowers from soil to storage in under
5 minutes. The flowers (in recyclable boxes)
are sold locally to markets, farm shop, florists
and restaurants and have a low carbon footprint
unlike the 90%of flowers imported to the UK.
talk was both interesting and thought provoking.
2022 - AGM
AGM marked the 1st anniversary of meeting at
our new venue of St Angmering Baptist Church,
a move which was unanimously welcomed.
AGM went smoothly and a number of new officers
were elected to the Committee, including a new
Vice Chair and a new Meetings Organiser.
was a social following the business of the evening.
Members tested their horticultural knowledge
with a quiz and enjoyed a buffet.
2022 - Woolbeding Gardens, Midhurst
was a good turnout for the talk given by Paul
Gallivan, head gardener/garden manager of Woolbeding
Gardens, Midhurst.
explained the history of the mid 16th century
property which was eventually handed to the
National Trust in 1957. Lord Simon and his life partner, Stewart Grimshaw took
it on lease because they fell in love with the
view from the house.
30 acre garden is a 20th/21st century garden
rather than an historic one and Paul maintains
the gardens with a team of 8 full time gardeners
and a small army of volunteers.
are different areas to the garden and these
include a swimming pool garden with an orangery,
a herb garden, vegetable garden and fountain
garden. The main borders are colour themed,
generally with a palette of calm colours such
as blues, purples, soft yellows and white. There
are many seats and benches in the garden as
well as a thatched hermit hut, summer house
and a lake with a Chinese bridge.
garden is constantly changing and evolving and
the latest project, almost complete, is the
construction of a glass house, the roof of which
opens up like a flower. It is 15 metres wide
and 15 metres tall and cost approximately 10
million pounds.
gardens were opened to the public in 2011. They
can only be visited on Thursdays and Fridays
between April and September and tickets must
be booked in advance. Around 10,000 people now
visit them every year. Judging by the beautiful
slides shown by Paul it is not difficult to
see why .
2022 - Carnivorous plants
people attended to listen to Don Fitzgerald
talk about carnivorous plants. After 2 cancelled
meetings it was 3rd time lucky and worth waiting
are 5 basic forms of carnivorous plant: trap,
pitcher, flypaper, snap, bladder and lobster
pot. They are all hugely fascinating. Don had
several examples with him and was able to show
us how they work - and also their captured prey
in a dead tuber which he removed from one plant.
Pretty gruesome!
are very beautiful plants to look at and, Don
assured us, very easy to grow. We were not all
convinced! However Don did have some plants
for sale and several people were tempted.
later told us that he had donated the proceeds
of these sales to the Demelza charity (a hospice
for children).
a fascinating evening.
2022 - Champs Hill
Wednesday 18th May our members enjoyed an afternoon
visit to NGS garden Champs Hill, in Pulborough,
beautiful local garden run by the Bowerman Trust,
which promotes classical music and art.
visit included tea and cake and a visit to the
current exhibition in the music room.
photos for full size versions.)
4th April 2022 - Lordington Lavender
good turnout for this month's talk by Andrew
Elms of Lordington Lavender.
regaled us about the trials and tribulations
of running a lavender farm.
farm grows arable crops and had a dairy herd
until 2000, when Andrew decided to try a new
venture, selling the herd and moving to lavender.
is very much at the heart of the enterprise.
He still grows arable crops of conservation
grade - cereals for Jordans, wheat and malting
barley and oilseed rape for biofuel. There are
also wildflower crops for the wildlife.
Andrew's passion is now for lavender. He started
out in 2002 with 5 acres and, having ordered
a supply of Mailettle plants (a French variety
of English lavender) to cover his 5 acres, was
shocked to take delivery of 25,000 plants! It
took his family and friends a week to plant
using an old cabbage planter belonging to a
first harvest was cut 2 years later and from
initially selling just the essential oil, the
business now produces a wide range of products
including soap, lip balm, shampoo, hand cream
and dog shampoo.
environmental conservation initiatives have
resulted in nesting barn owls, masses of insects,
butterflies and bees and 12 red listed species
of birds.
lavender farm is open to the public for 1 week
in July, just prior to harvesting, when the
lavender is at its very best.
7th March 2022 - Rewilding at Knepp
people eagerly awaited Penny Green's talk about
the rewilding of Knepp. After 2 previous postponements
it was certainly worth the wait.
is 3500 acres of weald clay with hundreds of
laggs (water meadows) which had been intensively
farmed for over 200 years by the Burrell family.
When the present owner, Charlie Burrell, took
over at the age of 21 he continued this tradition.
Then, 20 years ago, it became clear that this
was not a sustainable or productive use of the
land and the idea of rewilding was born.
began with different areas of the land being
systematically taken out of production and slowly
the vegetation started to grow wild, trees took
hold and as more animals were introduced it
transpired that the billowing hedgerows protected
the new saplings from being eaten by the large
herbivores. The reintroduction began with fallow
deer and moved on to long horned cattle (cattle
closely related to ancient breeds), Tamworth
pigs, red deer and Exmoor ponies. These large
herbivores are nature's chainsaws! There was
no longer any need to prune or clear the vegetation.
The nature of their grazing produces a perfect
habitat for many other creatures and drives
the wilding of the landscape
acts as the apex predator as wolves are no longer
present and cattle, pigs and deer are culled
to provide income for the project.
are now over 3,000 species recorded at Knepp
of which 1800 are insects. Major successes have
seen the huge growth in numbers of nightingales,
turtle doves, and purple emperor butterflies.
Owls, 17 species of bat, ravens, 62 species
of bee and 30 of wasps. The list goes on. The
recent reintroduction of storks has seen them
breeding in the UK for the first time for hundreds
of years. Beavers have also been a recent addition
and, although the first attempt was unsuccessful,
it is hoped that they will be brought back to
Knepp in the near future.
was a fascinating and informative talk and we
all went away keen to visit the Knepp estate
7th February 2022 - The Secret Life of a Hedgehog
people attended the first meeting of 2022 to
hear Graham Bowring tell us about the secret
life of hedgehogs. He brought along one of the
rescued hedgehogs currently in his care, 'Harry'
was a little grumpy, but nevertheless very engaging!
gives most of his talks to schoolchildren, however,
we declined his invitation to sit around in
a circle on the floor. Graham has been a member
of the Hedgehog Preservation Society for many
years. He has permission to look after hedgehogs
and to release them back into the wild, under
strict regulations. He is caring for 15 at present.
At the height of the foot and mouth crisis in
2001 he had 120!
amused us with several tales of calls from the
public regarding hedgehogs thought to be in
peril. He also told us that hedgehogs are nocturnal
(if they are out in the daytime they are probably
unwell). They have around 5000 spikes, hibernate
for around 4 months in the winter, can walk
about 2 miles a night looking for food or a
mate and are solitary animals.
hogs killed on the road are males, out looking
for females. After mating the males leave and
the female has her litter of 2-7 babies after
3 and a half weeks. The hoglets will leave their
mother after about 6 weeks. One litter a year
is usual but sometimes a second litter can be
born in the autumn. However, in this case the
hoglets will be unlikely to survive as they
will not be fat enough to hibernate.
too soon it was time to say goodbye to Graham
and Harry, after a very entertaining evening.
December 2021 - Paul Abbot
our December meeting, old friend of Angmering
HC, Paul Abbot, came along to talk about 'Christmas
plants around the world' and regaled us with
some of the myths, legends and folklore surrounding
the plants that are traditional in different
parts of the world.
are all familiar with the holly and the ivy
of a European Christmas, along with the traditional
amarylis, poinsettia and, of course, the Christmas
Tree, commonly seen in Britain. But the New
Zealand Christmas tree, or Pohutukawa, is not
so well known!
are many slightly eccentric traditions also,
including the Mexican Radish Festival! And wheat
is traditionally used in Eastern Europe for
Christmas decorations. Mostly the plants used
are associated with rebirth and renewal, so
coming out of the darkness of winter into the
spring - something we are all looking forward
very interesting talk was followed by mince
pies, Christmas cake and a glass of fizz.
November 2021 – Lesley Baker 'Out on a Limb'
is a locally based tree surgeon and entertained
us tonight with tales of her working life. From
her somewhat unusual choice of career - there
were not many females in the business when Lesley
started - to some of the more interesting and
quite hilarious situations that she has found
herself in while tending to local trees.
is a difficult and dangerous job - as witnessed
by some of the equipment Lesley demonstrated
to us. For example, 'Big Mary' is a huge chainsaw
which many of us would struggle to pick up,
never mind wield in anger at a mature tree!
coffee Lesley engaged us in a game of 'match
the tree', giving out logs, pictures of leaves
and names of trees which we had to match up.
I'm pleased to say that most of us got at least
some of the answers correct!
October 2021 – Martin Jarvis
a very long interval we were all happy to restart
our meetings today, in a new venue and on a
new day. Much has changed since March 2020!
last meeting was almost hijacked by the speaker
being unable to attend due to a bereavement.
On that occasion Martin Jarvis, a long time
member of the group and local nurseryman, stepped
into the breach. And once again this evening,
we are indebted to Martin who has come to our
rescue after our speaker fell ill.
our much delayed AGM, Martin spoke about his
life in horticulture. From the influence of
Rudolf Steiner, a notable proponent of biodynamic
farming and organic, holistic gardening, on
his grandparents and parents, through his own
career, which culminated in his running the
family business today.
Nursery began as an 8 acre site in Dappers Lane
in 1948, growing mushrooms. Today it is 4 acres
and specialises in herbs, both culinary and
medicinal and stocks about 200 varieties. Martin
also sells farm produce and so was able to remain
open during the lockdowns of the last 2 years.
This was a boon to business and turnover increased
3 fold! Things have settled down now and life
is not quite so hectic at Culberry!
brought along many of the plants that he produces
and talked about their uses. A good many of
these were snapped up at the end of the evening.
February 2020 – Paul Dalby
people, including several visitors welcomed
Paul Dalby, an expert in the growing, exhibiting
and judging of dahlias. He has exhibited dahlias
since 1991.
told us how dahlias originated in Mexico where
47 species have now been identified in the wild.
They were brought to Europe by the Spanish in
the 18th century, originally as a food source.
National Dahlia Society directory now lists
15 classifications of dahlia, including pompom,
ball cactus, star and decorative, and very many
more varieties within the classes. Paul recommends
propagating from cuttings, taken in the early
spring when the tubers begin to sprout. He explained
how to produce perfect stems for exhibiting
– quite a performance! We will probably stick
to growing as many (possible not perfect) blooms
of this beautiful flower instead.
December 2019 – Christmas flower arrangements
our December meeting we had a Christmas theme.
Mince pies and Christmas cake followed an inspiring
demonstration of Christmas flower arrangements
by Julie Waters from Bud & Blooms in East Preston.
stepped in at the last minute to save the day
after our original speaker couldn’t make it,
and she showed us how to make a Christmas wreath,
a table decoration with candles and a small
table arrangement using all the left over odds
and ends! - nothing was wasted.
all looked remarkably easy – years of practice!
But I’m sure some of us will have had a go at
our own decorations.
November 2019 – Maggie Haynes
came to talk to us about the Tuppenny Barn.
From an unlikely background of many years in
the army, Maggie started up the Tuppenny Barn
in 2005.
began as a derelict field with barn (the original
barn is now a tool shed) is now the Tuppenny
Barn Education Centre (TBE), a UK registered
charity, whose purpose is to advance education
in horticulture and sustainability.
the heart of Tuppenny Barn’s approach is the
promotion of sustainable living in all its forms.
They are passionate about food and knowing where
our food comes from.
host school trips, after school clubs, and horticultural
therapy sessions, and also provide educational
activities for the wider community, promoting
growing and cooking abilities, alongside countryside
skills like foraging, wreath making and willow
Education Centre has been designed using sustainable
principles and provides a beautiful space for
meetings, community and music events, art exhibitions
and special occasions like weddings.
shop, open every Thursday and Friday sells the
fresh organic fruit, vegetables and cut flowers
grown on site as well as bread, preserves, cakes
and more.
October 2019 – Architectural Plants
Watts, managing director and co-owner of Architectural
Plants in Pulborough, talked to us about the
development of this very special nursery. Guy
has had an interesting life before becoming
a partner in this business – including rowing
across the Indian Ocean (for which he holds
the record) and also starting the charity ‘Streetscape’.
told us about the various ways in which, mainly
large, architectural plants can be used in our
gardens, with some spectacular slides to illustrate
enjoyed the talk and many of us are looking
forward to visiting the nursery.
was followed by our 2nd, very successful, ‘bring
& buy’ sale.
September 2019 – Trip to Sir Harold Hillier
Garden, Romsey
of us set off to Romsey on Tuesday morning to
visit the Harold Hillier Gardens. The day was
enjoyed by all and the weather was largely kind
to us, despite 1 or 2 heavy showers.
gardens were stunning, with far too much to
see in one visit. The long borders were especially
lovely with many varieties of perennial looking
at their best.
trees, lakes, hydrangeas and so much else to
see, another visit will be a must for many of
all had time to try the café, shop and garden
centre – and several bargains were snapped up!
July 2019 – Steve Porter
spoke about the role of horticulture in the
rehabilitation of offenders at Ford Prison.
told us that up to 90 offenders are involved
in Land Based Activities, and horticulture is
a major part of this. It includes looking after
the grounds of the prison as well as running
a commercial horticulture business which provides
an income for use in other areas of the prison.
at times it is a challenge to get the offenders
to engage, the business provides plants of all
types to up to a 100 other prisons in the UK
plus it also provides 440 thousand summer and
winter bedding to prisons in the SE region!
and has a contract to supply bedding to Haywards
Heath Town Council. And there is a shop where
we can all go and try the fruits of their labours.
a very impressive operation and an interesting
June 2019 – Open Gardens
members volunteered to open their gardens to
the rest of the club.
on this occasion, the weather was not on our
side, with persistent rain throughout the day.
few hardy souls braved the elements and enjoyed
the gardens, albeit they were not seen quite
at their best.
the following Monday, those members that had
opened were able to visit each other’s gardens,
and this was more successful, with fine, warm
weather prevailing.
thanks to those members who opened and to those
who made the effort to support them.
hope we have better luck next year!
June - visit to NGS garden
members enjoyed a visit to Plantation Rise,
the long standing NGS and award winning garden
of Trixie and Nigel.
a day of showers we were fortunate that the
sun shone for a couple of hours and it was a
lovely evening. Trixie showed us around and
produced wonderful homemade cakes, which were
enjoyed under the arbour.
is an inspirational garden, full of colour and
intriguing ideas – some of which, I am sure,
will be copied in Angmering!
May - AGM
AGM was held at the Village Hall. All
the current Committee stood again and were re-elected
for a further year.
stood at 44 at the end of the year.
necessary business was concluded within half
an hour and was followed by a sociable hour
of food, drink and a couple of quizzes, which
were enjoyed by all.
April 2019 – Steve Millam
people were present to listen to Steve tell
us about the importance of soil in horticulture.
has been the head of the horticulture department
at Brinsbury College since 2007 and gained many
years of experience prior to his return to West
Sussex. He told us about how soil is formed,
the important minerals, micro-organisms and
bacteria it contains and how to keep the soil
explained that soil is made up of sand, silt
and clay and the proportions of each dictate
the type of soil. It is crucial that organic
matter is added to revitalise the soil and this
should not be dug in but just laid on the top
– a welcome bit of advice for gardeners!
went home a little wiser and with a little more
respect for this most mundane of garden features.
February 2019 – Geoff Hawkins
Hawkins spent 35 years as head gardener
at the private garden, Mill Court, near
Alton. On Tuesday he spoke at the Angmering
Horticultural Club, in Angmering Village
Hall, about the benefits of ground cover
- essential in order to minimise the necessity
for weeding and a must for all gardeners.
told us about the different types of ground
cover including mulches of all varieties
– e.g. bark, gravel, grass clippings and
sheep’s wool - as well as the innumerable
variety of plants that can be used. Not
only low growing and spreading plants,
but large shrubs which can cover an area
of ground and trees such as the Acer which
have a drooping habit and therefore will
cover a substantial area of ground, preventing
weeds from growing.
was interesting and a well informed speaker
and everyone went away with a few new
ideas to help reduce the amount of time
they spend weeding.
December 2018 – ‘Deck the Halls’
florist Ellen Ford – ‘The Enchanted Florist’
came along tonight to demonstrate how to decorate
the home for Christmas using garden materials.
This was Ellen’s inaugural speaking engagement
and although she was nervous we were all definitely
decorations were original and exciting, but
could most certainly be attempted by any one
of us. A Christmas tree made from the off cuts
of a large tree was especially inspired!
kindly donated her creations to our monthly
raffle – which boosted the takings significantly!
November 2018 – Ian Currie
is a well known weather forecaster, journalist
and broadcaster. He regularly appears on BBC
Sussex radio's 'Dig It' programme.
he spoke to us about 'Gales, Greenhouses and
Global Warning'.
have all experienced out fair share of problems
as gardeners, with all three subjects! And Ian
was able to explain how and why many of these
problems occur, with his illustrated talk.
October 2018 – Peter Chivers
visited us from his home in Portsmouth to talk
about preparing containers for winter and spring.
was an entirely practical demonstration and
very entertaining. Peter planted up to three
different containers, showing us how he plants
his bulbs (in layers) topped with a variety
of winter bedding.
was so enthusiastic we had little time left
for tea! But a good time was had by all.
September 2018 - Jean Griffin
Griffin was eduacated at Neath Girls Grammar
School before starting professional horticultural
courses, firstly at Studley College in
Warwickshire and secondly at the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew.
has spent all her life working in both
the Amenity and Commercial sections of
the horticultural industry, with the past
20 years working in Horticultural Education.
Jean teaches people from all age groups
and varying abilities. Jean is also a
very popular broadcaster – notably on
BBC Sussex’s ‘Dig it’ and ably entertained
us with tales of her gardening life.
July 2018 Ferring Country Centre
month Sam Kirk from Ferring Country Centre gave
us an insight into the excellent work done at
Ferring Country Centre, which provides meaningful
work experience to adults with learning difficulties,
through riding therapy, horticulture and farming.
Centre is a charity and has been running for
over 30 years enjoying a very well deserved
reputation for the work they do with vulnerable
adults. It is well worth a visit – they have
an excellent garden centre, along with the small
animal farm, café and children’s play area.
the low turnout tonight (England were playing
in the World Cup!), we all enjoyed Sam’s talk.
June 2018 - Visit to Peeler’s Retreat
evening we enjoyed a visit to an NGS open garden
in Arundel. ‘Peeler’s Retreat’ has been lovingly
developed by retired policeman Tony Gilks and
his wife.
is a garden full of interest, with numerous
beautiful plants and shrubs, ‘bonsai’ type trees,
a fabulous pond and various sculptures – all
home made from recycled wood. And the cakes
are something else!
2018 – Trip to Eric Wall Tomatoes
evening we visited Eric Wall’s tomato nursery
in Barnham, first established in 1977.
was a fascinating trip to see how the tomatoes
on our supermarket shelves are actually produced.
And what an operation it is! Huge greenhouses
produce 5 varieties of tomato - the rows of
plants run to 33 miles!
the latest technology is utilised, in an environmentally
friendly manner, to produce tomatoes destined
for Waitrose and Sainsburys. On a hot evening
it was almost unbearable inside the greenhouses
– we felt for the people who have to tend these
plants and pick tomatoes in this weather!
Faulkner had come to speak to us at a previous
meeting and invited us along for a tour of the
nursery. He made us very welcome and sent us
all home with samples of their lovely produce.
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